Body structures such as cells and organs function by the impulses carried through the nerves. When these nerve impulses travel unhampered, the organs and cells of the body are able to function normally. When there is an interference (causing too much or not enough nerve supply), the tissues or organs cannot function properly and a state of malfunction may begin, predisposing the body to a disease state.
Chiropractic does not utilize drugs or surgery in practice. However, there are times when it may be recommend that you consult another practitioner if other methods of treatment are needed.
Our office maintains ongoing correspondence with referring physicians, frequently reporting on patient progress, subjective improvement, changes with independent rehabilitation, functional gains and/or treatment recommendations.
Denver Spine and Extremity offers more than chiropractics. Our first line approach includes conservative treatments and cost-effective solutions for the rehabilitation of spinal, extremity and myofascial dysfunction and pain.
Our office maintains ongoing correspondence with referring physicians, frequently reporting on patient progress, subjective improvement, changes with independent rehabilitation, functional gains and/or treatment recommendations.
Treatment plans are based on patient needs, and we are happy to provide frequent progress reports. Workers’ compensation and personal injury cases are welcomed.